Leadership Embodiment Coach Training Certification - Empowerment through Embodiment

LECT is a Certified Coach Training specializing in
Embodiment for Professionals

Our training program for 2024-2025 is scheduled. For more information and to apply, please CLICK HERE.

This training program is for coaches that would like to offer a simple, effective process to help their clients embody their learning. Become fluent in the language, sequencing and physical exercises to skillfully lead your clients through the fundamental LE techniques and practices.

Thousands of our clients from around the globe have reported that the LE exercises are among the most useful and sustainable practices they have learned from any coach or development program.


The LE model is a simple, elegant and
effective coaching tool that will be hugely
impactful for your clients.

We offer a comprehensive coaching model that will give you the skills and methodology to teach your clients the accessible, effective practices of LE.

We have used these principles to create practices that build our capacity to respond more skillfully under pressure. We meticulously translated these practices into accessible, bioscience-based exercises that are easy to understand and simple to execute. Clients engaging in the LE model generally have impactful embodied experiences that they can translate and use immediately in their lives.

Leadership Coaching


A Professional Approach to Embodiment:

Most coaching models on the market are based on psychology. The LE model is based on experiential research of how the body responds under duress/low grade threat or more commonly termed, pressure or stress. Through 50 years of stress testing the principles of this model by way of high intensity martial art attacks, we have proven these exercises to be incredibly effective in real life pressure situations. Combining body learning with mindfulness awareness has created a well-balanced approach to accessing our most skillful self.

ICF CCEU Credits

Upon completion of the Leadership Embodiment Coach Training program, we are pleased to offer ICF CCEU's as outlined here.

LECT Program Details and Content

About our Program:


For the full downloadable program description and LECT outline,

please click here.