We Are Stardust Meditation

Wendy Palmer is sharing an audio file of a meditation from her recent Intensive Leadership Embodiment retreat at Whidbey Island. Please click below to hear the meditation.


We Are Stardust 

Meditation Transcript

Wendy Palmer

Whidbey Retreat, 12 April 2022

Start as usual by lengthening our spine and imagining little clouds or cotton balls between the vertebrae and the ribs. 

“The atoms of our bodies are traceable to the stars that manufacture them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy billions of years ago. For this reason, we are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on earth, and we are automatically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.” *

Tracing back the radiance.

As we sit, let our breath soar upward on the inhale, riding the thermal spiral through your body. As we exhale, floating downward on the thermal, flowing around our bodies, take a few breaths where we’re riding the thermal. Inhale soaring upward. Exhale floating downward. 

Visualize a double helix inside you. 

The helix is extending above and below where you’re sitting.

 And inside that double helix form, are little flakes of light;

floating like the flakes in the snow globe. 

The flakes are floating in a field of light. 

The flakes floating in a field of light begin to fill your arms and legs. 

Stardust is shimmering inside of you. 

You might hear the faint hum of the particles vibrating, as the Starlight shimmers.

Let the light begin to spread outward into your bubble.

Your personal space. 

The flakes of light are pulsing; they’re flashing off and on; 

dancing in the space above, below, and all around. 

Starlight, Stardust surrounding us. 

This sense of an entity of pulsing particles is linked to other entities of light particles. 

It’s part of a web of hundreds of thousands of lights, shimmering like the dew on a spider’s web in the morning, the web of pulsing light and life extends up to the stars. 

The stars are pulsing, exploding, light releasing particles like fireworks! The particles dissolve into starlight. 

As we inhale, Starlight fills our body. 

As we exhale, Starlight flows into the space; 

Breathe in the Starlight, 

Breathe out Starlight. 

Once again, visualize the double helix inside your body, extending above and below where you’re sitting. 

Inside that double helix form are little flakes of light,

Floating like the flakes in a snow globe. 

They’re floating in a field of light. 

The shimmering light begins to fill your arms and legs,

your whole body. 

In listening, we might hear the faint hum of the particles vibrating as they begin to dance. 

The light begins to spread out, filling our bubble and beyond.

The light is pulsing, flashing off and on,

dancing in the space around us. 

This entity of pulsing light particles of Stardust, is linked to other entities of light particles, 

is part of a web of hundreds of thousands of lights, shimmering, 

like the dew on a spider’s web in the morning, 

The web extends all the way to the stars. 

All the light, is pulsing. 

The stars are pulsing. Exploding light releasing particles like fireworks and the particles dissolve into Starlight. 

As we inhale, Starlight fills our bodies. 

As we exhale, Starlight flows out into the space. 

Breathe in the Starlight, breathe out the Starlight. 

And now let’s bring our attention to our hearts saying for ourselves: May I be happy so I can spread happiness. 

May I be peaceful so I can spread peace. 

And may I be filled with love, so I can spread love. 

Bringing before us the faces of our loved ones, seeing them smiling, May they be happy,


May they feel loved. 

And may they learn whatever lessons they need to learn as easily as possible. 

Letting our awareness radiate out over the entire planet, 

May all beings be happy, 

May they know peace,

And may they be free need and greed. 

Visualizing starlight surrounding our planet, stardust connecting all the galaxies, tiny points of light, pulsing and vibrating. It’s all connected.

* Quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson